Today, is history in the future.
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World has been released today, Noveber 11, 2008.
While I would normally be the first guy there to get a copy, I don't need to be. I preordered it way back in September. I shuold be getting it with in the next two weeks. In that time frame, I start the Symphonia Gala.
What is the Symphonia Gala, you ask?
Well, I play the original Tales of Symphonia, for these two weeks, seemingly nonstop. I finish when my copy of Dawn of the New World arrives. I do this to celebrate the US Tales 10 year annaversary, and continue to do so when the sequel arrives. This I will not count down, just to make it go faster. With my school days coming along and the short sunlight, these two weeks should be a breeze.
If you want to join, then snag a copy of tales of Symphonia and get to playing.
As a hardcore Tales fan, this day is great for me.
tales of symphonia sucks dude
No, you're just a gay communist who thrives on incest.
Because those are the only people who will say that and mean it.
That and rpg haters.