I know it's a bit bland, but it's a Beta screen, I might make some adjustments.
I figured since it's getting warm again, I should at least start on the title screen.
Those 4 transparent items you see are the buttons in the order of (left to right, top to bottom) Play, Scenes, Characters, and "Xtras". They label when you highlight them.
I have music set up for it an everything.
I only wish I knew how to make it look more lively, like Chapter 2's title screen, it was epic!
I don't mean to gloat, but I was really proud of chp 2's title screen.
Now, I'm not ashamed, but I think I can do better...
Much better.
It'll come out in the wash I guess...
Let me guess, Sonic has a new form and you introduce some cliched Sonic/Shadow/Silver recolor named Ultima.
1. Silver isn't in this series.
2. Yeah, Sonic has an alter ego, an evil one.
3. Who the fuck is Ultima?
4. Why the fuck should I care? If you have nothing good to say, then stay the fuck off my userpage.
I'm not very lenient on banning people.