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Ima omoeba seikai nado nakute Tada, kokoro no mama ni. Kokoro no mama ni. Kimi ga tatoeba inakunatta toshite Sore demo boku no sekai wa tsuduku darou.

Skye @knuxrouge

Age 35, Male

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Knuxrouge's Top 10 #2

Posted by knuxrouge - July 12th, 2009


#01 Favorite Sonic games

This Top 10 took a minute to decide one, but now I've come to a conclusion, this Top 10 will be.......
My favorite (non Sonic) classic video games.
If you would like to suggest a top 10 for me to do, please say so, I really have no good idea for one.

Number 10
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
Man, I remember seeing this commercial and got exited out of my mind, not only because it was Mario, who was a healthy alternative from Sonic, but it was Mario in full 3D, which was a brand new thing at the time. Seeing anything in full animated 3D graphics was a thrill to even look at, imagine my anticipation to play it, this game was the reason I wanted a 64 (I never got one). I've played it however, plenty of times too, in fact, Super Mario 64 is my most frequent played Mario game ever, I've played it too many times, I really don't like the game anymore, but something always drags me back to it, and that's why it makes the list, because no matter how much I'll hate it, I'll still love it.

Number 9
Aladdin (Sega Genesis, Amiga, MS-DOS, NES, SNES, Game Boy and Game Boy Color)
As the link implies, I'm referring to the Genesis version, the SNES was inferior and I never played any other port. Now that that's out of the way, time to dive in a great game for the Genesis, a fair amount of difficulty and entertainment, this game was one that had you coming back. The music is pretty damn good, and the gameplay had it's innovation. I remember playing this game all the time, because the difficulty skyrockets by the 5 and 6th level, but it's so addicting to play. This is really the kind of game, you have to play to appreciate, this was back when Disney was still worth something, nowadays, you may not enjoy it too much, but for those who have played it in the 90s, they'll agree with me that this game has aged nicely.

Number 8
Marvel vs Capcom (Arcade, Sega Dreamcast, PlayStation)
Yeah, this game made it, but why so low? Because I never got good at it, at least, not as good as my friends, whew, nowhere near. If you know me, you've heard me talk about how I suck at fighting games, but I can't stop playing them, well this is that sort of situation. Crossover games/comics/tv episodes were all the rage in the 90s and Capcom cashed out on it, prequel to what is considered the greatest fighting game of all time. And I liked it, despite my deficiency of skill, it's always fun to play, picking Spiderman and Chun li, and whipp'n ass with them? Get out! That was great, although any game with Chun li in it is worth playing.

Number 7
X-Men 2: Clone Wars (Sega Genesis)
Another game that made you proud to own a Genesis, X-Men 2 was simply gold, I remember my cousin had it, and I wanted it so bad too, and fortunately, I did, and I played it forever, the game is brutally difficult for a kid to play, and even older, the game gives out a tough ass challenge, I've only managed to beat it without cheats once. That's to say this game has also aged well. It's 2 players too, so you can get a friend to join the action, which would be better in some stages, while in others, it really gets in the way, however with a friend it is more fun overall, you get to help each other out and stuff, boss fights gets a whole lot easier, and surviving become less of a burden as well, assuming both players are experienced to an extent, if one is a noob, then they'll always hold you back and eventually die. They make good enemy fodder though.

Number 6
Streets of Rage (Sega Genesis)
One of the first successful beat-em-ups, Streets of Rage was the only game of it's series I've physically owned, I got 2 and 3 in a collection game, that being said, despite the other Streets of Rage games being really fun, this one has a sentimental charm to it, looking back it's a whole lot harder than 2 and almost as merciless as 3, I like how you can call the cops and they come in with weapons of mass destruction to take the bad guys out. That's really excessive! But I guess something is needed to balance out the implausibility of beating criminals to death with your bare hands, old games are really violent.....

Number 5
Super Mario World (SNES)
Even through all the Sonic hype I was going through, there were a few Mario games that really caught my interest, this was one of them, in fact, this game was the first video game I recall seeing, even before Sonic. I originally wanted a Super Nintendo, because of this game, but my mom got me a Genesis, because she couldn't find a SNES, which I'm thankful for--old Sonic games rock. But still, Super Mario World left a mark on my childhood, it got me into video games, and it was the only reason I ever wanted a SNES, however, this game has not aged well for me, but back as a kid, this game was like an unreachable star, and it held a similar charm, the memories don't flood back like it does for other games, but without this game, there probably wouldn't be any memories to have flooding.

Number 4
Super Mario Bros. (NES)
I wouldn't be a true retro gamer if this game didn't make it. I--like anyone else of my time--had this game, and played it forever, with the abundance of warpzones, enemies and secret passageways, this is a family/friends classic, nowadays, it sucks playing alone, grab some friends and either go 2 players or take turns, it'll be a blast.
Everything else is self explanatory.

Number 3
Ranger X (Sega Genesis)
A game so obscure, there isn't even a wiki article for it, but some of the most obscure games are also the best, this game is no exception, if you like giant mech games, then find/buy/download Ranger X. Featuring great graphics, even for the Genesis, great gameplay and a not-so-bad soundtrack. This game has aged greatly for me, and I still enjoy it, it had a great, but fair level of challenge to it as well, again, one of those games that you have to play to truly appreciate, Ranger X deserves this spot well.

Number 2
Contra: Hard Corps (Sega Genesis)
Easily one of the best Contra games in the series and trounces Contra 3 in the dirt, Hard Corps took an original turn to the series and added multiple weapon choices, non linear stage progression, cutscenes and character selection--to name a few. Another game that made you proud to be a Genesis owner, with hardcore third person shooting at it's finest. There really isn't much to say, this game hasn't aged at all, I still fucking love it.

Number 1
Jet Grind Radio (Sega Dreamcast)
This one takes the cake, and I really don't know why, when I decided to make this list, I instantly decided that this would take the number 1 spot. The best and last parts of my classic video game era was spent with this game, I played it all the time, despite it's straightforwardness, I always found new ways to do whatever with whoever. I love this game and I wish Sega would make another game using this base (not the sequel).
Cube and Gum are still hot.

Knuxrouge's Top 10 #2




heh, neat, I might have to look some of these up though


my dad won't let me play Super Mario Bros, seriously, he will not allow me to touch the NES, he thinks that if we don't use it it might be worth something some day, HAH!

Top 3 are my recommendations.

I wish I had a Genesis...

They were awesome, but shamefully overshadowed by all the Nintendo hype.

No where on this list do I see a "Super Mario RPG"?

Never played it.
Never wanted to.
I'm immune to hype.

streets!! rage!!!


my Dreamcast talks to me in my sleep, it tells me to kill my PS2...

I think you should listen.

it wants revenge for it's death...
it also wants me to get the Bleemcast boot disc so I can play Metal Gear Soild on it

Then you'd better listen.

you should have did the top 11, going 1 step beyond.

oh snaps play double dragon 3.

Nostalgia Critic bandwagon.

I don't even know where to get the Bleemcast disc!

That's what the internet's for.

do you know what bleemcast is?


it's a Playstation emulator for the Dreamcast, it only works on 3 games though, the company that made it was sued into oblivion by Sony, and even though the court ruled in favor of Bleem they lost all their money paying for legal fees



Face deep in it.

You never played Super Mario RPG?
That sucks...

The game?
I'm confused....

I kinda wanna try Super Mario RPG


I tried playing Sonic Shuffle with Scotch18 the other day, the Amy AI cheated and got all the precious stones, so we quit

Sonic Shuffle's AI is damn hard.
It's a tactical game, that is much more bearable on single player.

plays best with all humans, that way you don't have to deal with the evil

My friends don't care enough to play it, so I play solo.

yeah... :(


Contra Hard Corps?!?!?!

Fuck Yeah, wanna fight about it!?

More Pic?

Sorry, I've been lazy with uploading, I actually have some neat nsfw pics that I made recently, just been negligent.


*preps pepperspray*

read mah blog!