*sigh* Where should I start? Okay, lets start at the source, the well esteemed Halo series. Halo was once a nice innovative shooting game that made the XBox series a force to be reckoned with, this started a minor flood of shooting games acroos the XBox and the Ps2, Sony even tries licensing a game that play almost just like Halo, Tribes. It was a fine competition. Now in the new generation, with the large release of Gears of war, the shooting genre became one of the largest gaming genres ever, Sony still tried to come back by licensing the game Killswitch--you see the desperacy in this right? Now, it all comes down with the multimillion dollar Halo 3...
I may make a few enemies with this rant here, if you are a big Halo fan, you will not like this...
Halo 3 has blown Gears of war off the charts and almost any other shooting game on the 360 (and there are alot of them) Game stop has even mocked the sharp fall in Gears of war sales by making a commercial on returning games that you've lost interst in, using Gears of War online gameplay cameos. And if thats not enough, the latest issue of GI was full of fucking shooting games. I haven't been so disgusted at the video game world in my life. Halo 3 is released, then other companies start vomitting shooting games, why? Because the shooting genre has exploded in popularity. And I stay here pissed while men (and a few women) are tea bagging each other. Need I add that the vocabulary of tea bagging is not used correctly in the gaming world. Normally when someone is tea bagging, they are GIVING the tea bag. From what I've seen in the gaming world, that term is reversed, having the tea bagger recieving the tea bag. I know I'm being a bit anal on this, but being a black person who managed to dodge the persona of the african american stereotype, I'm around too much bad or misused grammar in everyday life to see it in a game. On top of that, people make the most retarded online accounts, like "bigfloppydonkeydick", or "insaneteabagger"(what the fuck?). Please note that these are actual names that I have encountered in my days of playing Gears of War online. You'd expect people would find more mature ways to address them selves or taunt someone (or maybe not). People sometimes call me insane, but I'm not some bored loser wasting his time "tea bagging" random people while having some vulgar and crude user name. This doesn't seem like its going to be stopping sometime soon. Halo 3 is out, and other shooting games are rushing in like pedophiles to a child play. Knowing Sony, they are going to try and combat this bullshit with their own crap. With shooting games flourishing and a tea bagging orgy in each one, I am sensing a sharp, yet steady decline in gaming. Its an endless spiral that will not end well, assuming it does. I'm not saying that I dislike Halo, Halo is a fun game, I just wish people and Game designers just grow the fuck up.. Make some other games that AREN'T shooting games, stop fucking tea bagging each other, a game of Monopoly amongst 5 year olds is more mature than that shit.
But, hell, who the fuck is gonna take me seriously, "just one guy's opinion, fuck him." This decline is in motion, and I'm just gonna spectate the collapse into hell from where I stand.
Oh, and Happy Holloween, I guess.
You might wanna watch this. =3 <a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/2304-Zero-Punctuation-Halo-3">http://www.escapistmagazine.com/artic les/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/2 304-Zero-Punctuation-Halo-3</a>