There are times when I wonder "Why do so many people dislike sprite movies?" I have sat down and thought of a decent reason of this when common sense kicked in and I told myself, "Its probably just because they're just sprite movies, if someone submit a sprite flash and it gets voted higher than a hand drawn flash then the hand drawn animator will be mighty pissed." But even this makes no sense to me, because if a sprite flash gets a higher rating, then that means the people liked the sprite flash better than the hand drawn. Thats a dumb reason to hate sprite movies; because people liked it more than your flash, if thats the case, then you should hate any flash thats not yours and recieved a higher rating. Then after that I thought to myself, "Maybe its the amount of work you put into it...." Okay, that made more sense, with hand drawn, you have to make up every detail annd 9.99 times out of 10, you will have to make your own VOs. Alot of efffort is put into a hand drawn flash. Sprite flashes don't require as much effort for the sprtes are there for you. You just have to take the sprites and work from there. But even this can be justified, just not as much. Its not like sprite movies are easy or can be done any faster tan hand drawn, sure they take less effort, but if someone (like me) is serious about making a sprite flash movie, they will put more effort into it than just collecting some sprites and tweening. Just like hand drawn, you have to devise a background, a story, special effects, music, SFX, And even custom made animation. Like I said earlier, I may not take as much work, but it is still work, its not that much easier. People work hard to make a good sprite flash, just like how people work hard to make a good hand drawn flash. After this thought, I recall back to someone posting a review in the flash portal about how all sprite flash movies are intentionally crap. I translated this to, "Maybe because, most people don't work too hard on sprite flashes so they submit it half-asses." This slightly made less sense. More people make deliberate crap hand drawn flashes than sprite flashes. No one can deny this, the amount to pure, lude, intentional, retarded, flashes and half of them are hand drawn, 25 percent of them are pictures or videoes taken from somewhere and defiled during the transformation into portal spam, and the last 25 are sprite flash.
There is more crap hand drawn than sprited.
And finally I thought to myself, "Maybe its the amount of laziness that sprite flash artist have, they will make a flash and half-ass it due to laziness." Again, thats no real reason to hate a sprite flash, the artist got lazy the scolding should go to the artist.
I can't seem to answer that question, a solid bunch of newgrounders (probably including Tom Fulp) that from "just plain dislike" to "absolutely hate" sprite flashes. Why?
I just complete my flash, in which alot of work was put into it. The one thing that haunts me the most is that very bunch of people who will vote down on it just because its a sprite flash. The way I see it, if it gets a higher rating than a hand drawn flash, then that means more people liked it. Thats no reason to hate a sprite flash. Hard work, effort, determination, skill, and time was all put into it. Or perhaps its just the fact that people are using lisenced sprites for a movie, no one is making any profit off of it and they are just fans of the company's work. It never hurts for a fan to submit a prite flash, this stuff exist in many forms. Some band release EP albums making remakes of other people's work, selectively because they liked the song. People make fan-fiction, fan-art, fan sites. Why is it so bad to be a fan? On top of that how do explain self made sprites? Why would you hate sprite movies with someone who made their own sprites that is theirs and theirs alone? It doesn't make alot of sense. And most sprite flashes are overshadowed by hand drawn, so whats the problem? Why can't there just be equality in the flash portal? Its so stupid. Where is so much negetivity for sprite flashes coming from? Its seems to me that more and more people are disliking sprite flashes. And for so many people to have a common hatred, their must be a logical reason behind it.
Well, not really... Just look at racism...
I enjoy both sprite flash and hand drawn, but I perfer sprites. And I have been constantly confronted with people who hate sprite flashes--for like, no reason. Sprites aren't always limited to the pre-made animations, thats why people make custom edited sprites, So they can be used to break the limitations that the originals provided. I'll never find uut why people hate sprite movies on my own.
But I would sure like to find out...
Yeah, I see this kind of stuff too, Personally, I'm neutral.
Yeah, it sucks right?