For a while there has been questions concerning Newgrounds and/or Newgrounds members, these questions are repetative as people don't generally know what they are asking (and how many times its been asked). Use this Faq along with the NG Faq and the NG Faq II.
So, it will be my pleasure to explain and answer these questions.
Special Thanks goes to absent, for the proper edits.
1. How can I change my username?
You can't. Here is the official post for it.
So, if you don't like your username, then you shouldn't have put it in when you registered.
2. How can I delete my account?
You can't. If you no long desire to be a NG user, just leave. To make sure you don't return, change your password to something random - one that you won't remember. Delete your favorites, your news posts, etc.
3. How do I make a flash movie/music?
For flash, go to Just register and download the free trial.
For Music, Audio Sticky > Studios and Editors, but I recommend Fruity Loops. You can find the latest FL program at FL Download the trial version and get started! Note that with the trial version, you can't save, but you can still export you song.
For further help, look to the Tuorials section of the flash collections, or the NG search engine
4. What is "Verge of Death"
This is the biggest oppurtunity to recieve a Blam Point. You will see a submission on the "Verge of Death" when it is highlited in red, this means that so many users did not like this submission and the flash will be blammed literally in a matter of seconds, if you want a Blam Point, you better work fast.
In any case this is not a absolute explanation as the system of a "Verge of Death" is unknown. I will contact an admin to make sure and get a clear answer.
5. Why am I banned from submitting flash?
As stated here if you submit 2 flashes within a 30 day period and they both get blammed, you are banned for 15 days from submitting flash.
You also may have broken the rules of content when submitting a flash.
If your ban falls outside these reasons, you can contact WadeFulp and see if you can find out why.
6. Why are there so many ads here?
So the site can stay free.
If you have any questions that fall outside the NG Faq, ask here and they will be answered, as fast as I can get the info.
lol so im not the only 1 tht pays attention to this sorta stuff
go figure ^.^